Teacher Wishlists
Back to school is almost here and this year we want to share a little extra love with our educators! We’re sharing some of our follower’s teacher wishlists below so we can clear their lists before the school year starts!
Ashley’s Elementary Music Wishlist
Jara’s 1st Grade Wishlist (TX)
Kaitlin’s Kindergarten Wishlist (MN)
Jones’ 1st Grade Wishlist (Philly, PA)
Stephanie’s k-4 Music Wishlist
Alison’s Social Worker Wishlist (Chicago, IL)
Kristen’s Special Ed Wishlist(New Jersey)
Valeria’s West Plains High Wishlist
Hannah’s first year Kindergarten Wishlist
Paige’s 1st Grade Wishlist (Amarillo TX)
Ms. Burke’s Special Ed Wishlist
Stefani’s 4th Grade Wishlist (Gainesville TX)
Mrs. Given’s 2nd Grade Wishlist
Kristen’s School Counselor Wishlist
Madame A’s High School French Wishlist
Jennah’s 7th grade language arts Wishlist
Mrs. Rich’s 3rd Grade Wishlist (Mt. Juliet, TN)
Kerstyn’s Kindergarten Wishlist
Sara’s Speech Pathologist Wishlist
Laura’s Preschool Wishlist (Massachusetts)
Jenni’s 1st Grade Wishlist (Richmond, TX)
Dianne’s High School Special Ed. Wishlist (Clarkston, MI)
Brittany’s Classroom Books Wishlist
Elementary School Counselor Wishlist
Celestine’s Wishlist (Dallas, TX)
Senora Augustus’ Spanish Class Wishlist
Cassie’s K-5 Special Ed Wishlist
4th Grade Low Socio Economic Wishlist
Sisson’s Interventionist Wishlist
Caitlin’s New Teacher Pre-K Wishlist
Ashley’s Kindergarten Wishlist
Caitlin’s Kindergarten Wishlist
McCarty’s Kindergarten Wishlist
2nd Year Special Ed Wishlist( VA)
Gina’s First Year Teacher Wishlist
Danielle’s Special Ed Wishlist (CT)
Mrs. Tunison’s 1st Grade Wishlist (Riverside, CA)
Hannah’s School Counselor Wishlist
Carrie’s Kindergarten Wishlist (OH)
Kindergarten Wishlist (Chicago, IL)
Hope’s 2nd Grade Wishlist (NC)
Jennifer’s ESE Speech Wishlist
Rebecca’s Elementary Art Wishlist
Gina’s High School Business Wishlist (NC)
Britany’s ELA & Texas History Wishlist (TX)
Taylor’s 3rd Grade Wishlist (MS)
Steph’s 3rd Grade Wishlist (CT)
Carli’s Pre-K Wishlist (Wilmington, NC)
Ashley’s Math Interventionist Wishlist

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