Summer Europe Travel 2021: How to Pack Like a Boss
Just a few months ago my husband, Andrew, and I were dreaming of grabbing our suitcases and heading abroad. Then things started opening and we decided to stretch our travel wings and brave summer Europe travel 2021. Traveling abroad during COVID is definitely a daunting idea for some. I’ll admit, planning our trip has for sure had its kinks over the past few weeks. However we’re so excited to get back out there and share our journey with you all! Today I’m sharing some of my essential packing tips. This includes a complete 2 week Spain packing list and things to consider when traveling to Europe during COVID. You can also click here to see my packing list from our month long trip to Spain in 2019

Summer Europe Travel 2021: Pack Light & Enjoy More
I want to give some insight as to why I will only travel internationally with a carry on. During my first trip to Europe, I loaded everything into two giant bags and had the time of my life. When it was time to fly home, I happily checked my bag filled with souvenirs and boarded the plane. Due to an unfortunate mixup, my suitcase didn’t show up at baggage claim. It took me almost a month to finally get my bag back. When it did show up, everything inside was complete broken and several items were missing. It was truthfully one of the most frustrating travel moments of my life. I promised myself to pack lighter and just take one bag with me next time.
I’ve had countless friends tell me their checked bag horror stories. These stories are of trips being stressful and many days spent in the airport waiting for luggage to show up. Trust me when I say you CAN pack everything you need in one bag and have an amazing trip. You won’t be sorry you left that extra pair of shoes at home when you’re gliding through the airport and heading to your hotel while everyone else is still waiting at baggage claim.
If You Have to Check a Bag
If traveling with children, then you may need to check a stroller, car seat, or other essentials. If you absolutely have to check a bag, I would suggest booking a direct flight. From my experience most luggage mishaps occur during layovers especially when traveling between countries. Put all important items (medicine, toothbrush, valuables, bridesmaids dresses…) in your carry on. In case of a luggage disaster, you’ll have all your essentials and can get by until your bags have been found.

Since I’ll be doing photoshoots, I’m bringing quite a few outfits with me. However, you can easily pack shorts and tanks to mix and match and save room in your bag. I’m also taking work equipment which includes a large tripod for my professional camera. Know what large items you need to pack and adjust accordingly. You can also fit heavy/valuable items in a backpack as your personal item. My Nikon Z6ii camera fits into my backpack and stays with me at all times. It’s the most valuable and delicate item I’m bringing and I like to keep it close by .
How to Pack Light
Even though I like to say I pack light, the truth is I travel COMPACT. This is thanks to my husband who is very organized and loves knowing where everything is when he’s traveling. He inspired me to use the Marie Kondo method of folding my clothes in my suitcase. This way, they take up the least amount of space possible and you can easily see everything. This method also keeps your clothes from being a crazy pile of wrinkles when you arrive. Using this system for packing has been a game changer for me and is essential for my summer Europe travel 2021
Summer Europe Travel 2021: Important Things to Check Before You Go
If you’re headed to abroad this summer, it’s extremely important to stay up to date with U.S. travel guidelines. Also keep in mind the guidelines of the country you’re traveling to. It’s also important to consider regulations of countries you’ll be stopping in if you have a layover. We just realized this week that, even though we only need to present our vaccination card to enter Spain, we also need a negative COVID test since we have a layover in Portugal. Check, check and double check. We will also need to present a negative COVID test when we enter back into the U.S. You can check the current guidelines on the CDC website.
For re-entry into the U.S., we purchase these COVID rapid antigen test kits to take with us. They come with a virtual medical visit where you confirm your identity and then receive an email verifying your results. Each kit comes with two tests and costs less than $25. Current U.S. policy requires at home COVID tests for re-entry into the country be performed under medical supervision. With the virtual component of these testing kits, it meets U.S. regulations and is a lot easier than trying to book a COVID test abroad. I’ll be sure to update you on Instagram about how the process goes!
Where Can You See All Our Travel Details?
If you want to know more about our summer Europe travel 2021, be sure to follow us on Instagram where we’ll be uploading pictures and sharing stories daily about our trip! Safe travels if you’re heading out of town soon and feel free to email or DM us with any questions you may have!

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