Small Ways to Show Love: Hallmark Good Mail

The last time we were together, we found ourselves Googling “small ways to show love”. We had been reminiscing on some fantastic fall memories and realized that we hadn’t talked to some of our family/friends in quite awhile! With all the craziness of back to school and teaching, we found ourselves in a bit of a rut as far as communicating with loved ones. Anyone else ever experience this? The fall season always makes us feel the need to make a positive change in our routine, and what better way to shake things up then spreading some extra joy? One of the simplest and meaningful ways to show love is through mail! No we don’t mean email-we mean opening up the mailbox to find a handwritten letter to you just waiting to be ripped open! Today we’re partnering with Hallmark sharing why we love the Good Mail collection to spread a little joy this fall!

Small Things Make a Big Difference

We have always loved getting hand written letters, even as kids. Normally we’d have a stack of letters waiting for us around our birthday or Christmas. However,  nothing beats sorting through a pile of junk mail to find a pretty hand written note for no reason in particular. Just a simple “thinking of you”. With so many of us still working from home and not able to see friends and family in person, taking a few minutes to send a card can make a huge impact! There’s something about a handwritten note that says “I took the time to stop what I was doing, think of you and ONLY you while writing this”. We’ve both had periods of being long distance with our husbands and one of the sweetest ways we were able to stay so connected was through sending cards along with talking on the phone and texting daily. Cards are just an extra personalized way to say “thinking of you”!

Writing and Receiving Cards to Help With Loss

We recently shared on our channels that our 95 year old grandpa passed away. Even though he was blessed with a long life, it’s still been hard on our family to accept his passing. Receiving mail from our friends and family saying they’re thinking of us has been a small joy amidst our loss. In times when you don’t know what to say, let a good card speak for you. Just knowing that someone cares enough to send a letter means the world in tough moments.

Small Ways to Show Love: The Good Mail Collection

With Hallmark’s “Good Mail Collection” you can find the perfect card for anyone and any occasion. They even have cards when you don’t know what to say! The best part is that their cards are simple, sweet, and can capture your own unique style with all their options! Whether your friend just landed a new job, or you want your sister to know you’re thinking of her the Good Mail Collection has an option for you! We challenge you to send at least one greeting card this month and see what a big difference it can make to the people you care most about!