How to Find Balance as a Blogger

Ever feel like a chicken with their head cut off running around trying to balance blogging with a full time/part time career? Girl, been there and lived (still living) that life! Blogging and having a career is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. (And I’m used to a packed schedule.) It’s definitely not for everyone but if you’re committed to making both options work, I’m here to share my top 4 ways to find balance as a blogger.
My Daily Schedule
Here is a look at my schedule and how I fit everything (well…most things) into my day!
5:00 AM-wake up, pray & work out for 30 min
6:30 AM-head to school to get my classroom set up for the day
7:30-8:00 AM-prepare morning blog post & catch up on emails
8:15 AM-start teaching
10:30-11:00 AM-lunch
3:00 PM-finish teaching and head home
3:45 PM-teach online dance fitness 30 min
4:30 PM-work on blog post & emails
5:00 PM-cook dinner
6:00 PM-eat, clean, & get lunch ready for tomorrow
6:30 PM-prepare evening post
7:00 PM-answer emails & engage on evening picture
8: 00 PM-study Japanese & lesson plan for school
8:45 PM-read/journal for 15 minutes
9:00 PM-lights out!
Whew, I get tired just looking at my schedule! During the work week I often feel like I don’t stop running until bed time. I’ve been keeping up this pace for awhile but it’s definitely a challenge at times! Below are 4 of my top tips to find balance as a blogger.

1. Find Balance as a Blogger: Make Lists
Getting organized is my number one tip for finding balance with blogging and a career. I always have the following lists going on:
-Daily List (no more than 3 main tasks to achieve)
-Weekly List (things to check up on weekly: collaborations, content to create etc.)
-Monthly List (brands to reach out to, try ons, blog post drafts etc.)
-Quarterly List (website updates, growth goals, seasonal wardrobe updates etc.)
I personally prefer paper lists but there are some awesome apps out there (or even just the notes app on your phone) if you love staying organized digitally. Wanderlist is one of my favorite list apps to keep things organized. You can even add collaborators to each list and share with friends/family.
2. Find Balance as a Blogger: Stop Scrolling Social Media
I studied my screen time for a week this summer and found I wasted on average 90 minutes mindlessly scrolling social media! I was shocked! As a blogger I feel the need to be on my socials regularly to check emails and engage. However, I was spending lots of precious time telling myself I was doing those things while really just mindlessly clicking from picture to picture.
Now I try to be strategic and only scroll through bloggers I found most inspirational/help my get my creative juices flowing! I set 15-20 minute timers on my phone to break down screen time and make sure I’m staying on the designated task: 20 min of emailing, 15 minutes of responding to comments etc.

3. Find Balance as a Blogger: Batch Content
I’m planning another blog post on just this topic but to skim the surface: batching content is THE ONLY way I can make blogging work while living the crazy busy teaching life. Every weekend Andrew and I go out and shoot 5-6 outfits for the week. I plan out my outfits and accessories the week before so I don’t have to go out daily and try to snap a picture. I plan out everything from shooting location to my desired picture pose! Check out my post on 10 pictures poses for Instagram
Nothing is worse that working under pressure and it sure kills the creative flow. We schedule in 2 hours to get pictures ready for the week ahead. This also lets me plan the order of my pictures to best create a cohesive feed.
4. Find Balance as a Blogger: Disconnect for at Least 15 Minutes
To be honest: this is the balance area that I struggle most with. I often find myself working up to the minute it’s time for bed and then lying awake for an hour waiting for my brain to wind down. I don’t know what I’d do without Andrew who kindly reminds me to let work go and take time each day to disconnect and relax.
This could be journaling, meditation, a bubble bath, or just sitting on the porch with your hubby/dog and sipping some tea. If you don’t take time for yourself YOU WILL BURN OUT and no one wants to feel that way! I’m still working on this area but words can’t describe how much more centered I feel when I take 15 minutes every day to recenter and step away from work/blogging.
As always, please DM, email, or leave your comments below! We love sharing blogging tips with you all!

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